What Fits Inside the Lunchbots Insulated Lunch Bag
Lunchbots are one of the most popular lunch box choices in our store. If you have one, chances are you're not buying a new lunch box this year, but you might need a new insulated lunch bag. These lunch bags are relatively new to the range and to our store. They're large, versatile, and while they're sized to fit everything in the range inside somewhere, they're also great for other things too. We have made a complete list of every lunch box in store that fits inside for you, along with a video showing a photograph of everyone of them below.
fits – The Everyday / Double Stacker (top) / Hungry Max - EVER ECO – ALL
fits – Snack Boxes and the Double Layer Bento - GLASSLOCK
fits – 970ml Rectangular anything smaller than these two - GO GREEN
doesn't fit any of these - GREEN ESSENTIALS – ALL but the Round Double and Triple
fits – Sustain-A-Bento / Tuck-A-Stacker / Sustain-A-Stacker / Munch Pot / Round Bentos in the Double Mini only - LUNCHBOTS – ALL but the clicks range
fits – Classic 600ml / Bento 960ml (bottom) / Deep Duo - U KONSERVE
fits – To-Go Medium only
We gave these a pretty extensive shoot in our Back To School photo shoot this year and here's what we managed to fit inside.
Everything in this first photo below fits inside the bag. The pink lid lunch box is the largest bento box in the range and it's one of the most popular choices. As you'll see from the photo below, there are 2 sets of zips as this lunch bag is a 2 tier lunch bag and it has two separate compartments. The bonus is that you can easily get your large and flat bento out without needing to completely empty the whole bag. The downside is that you will need to carry two small ice packs with you to keep both compartments cool. Small price to pay for how roomy it is. The images explain what's inside it, so I won't list that in text, but I will give you the measurements of the bag.
Top section (interior) - 23 x 15cm at the base. 13cm high. 6cm x 23cm at the top as it tapers up.
Bottom section (interior) - 23 x 15 x 7cm
Exterior Measurements - 24 x 18cm x 23cm tall (including handle)

The only difference between the shot above and the one below is what we put in the bottom layer. In the shot above, we just had a large 960ml stainless steel lunch box from the Lunchbots range. In the shot below, in the same space, we had the smaller 600ml lunch box and those two round pots with the blue & purple lids sitting on top of the blue insulated pot in the middle of the photo. If you scroll down to the two photos underneath this one, you will see them packed in to the lunch bag in the close up photos of the bottom layer only.

Now we show the top layer in action. It was designed to ensure the larger wide mouth food jars fit inside. There's ample room to spare for other things as you can see.

While we have showcased mainly the Lunchbtos in these bags, we also wanted to show you one of our other popular lunch box choices inside the bag too. For years now, the Green Essentials Sustain A Stacker has been a staple not only for Back To School, but through the whole year. This one measures 13cm x 18.5cm x 8cm with ample wiggle room, so measure the lunch box you have and if it's this size or a little bigger, you'll be fine.

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These bags are currently not available for purchase.