How do you clean a dry body brush?
Do you own a dry body brush yet? If not and you like to invest in quality, this is the brush you're after. Buy once, use for a lifetime.
While many people use exfoliants and body scrubs, and even make their own from things like hemp seeds, you can successfully exfoliate your body with a non-consumable item, a dry body brush. You just need to ensure that once it's purchased, you take care of it and it will last you a long time. I still own the same dry body brush I purchased over a decade ago now. As long as you take care of them, they will last. Since dead skin cells end up in the bristles, it is important to clean your brush regularly so it lasts long and so there's no risk of infecting your skin as you keep brushing over time.
How do you take care of a Dry Body Brush?
Firstly, they are a dry body brush, so don't soak the whole thing in water. This particular brush in the photo from Bodecare is timber and it's just heat treated and waxed, so it's not going to stand up to constant wetting. Even the dry / wet version we have from Bass shouldn't be left wet for long periods of time. Use it, take it out and let it completely dry.
The bristles of your dry body brush do need to be washed on a semi regular basis (weekly if you use the brush daily) and sprayed with a tea tree solution after use. We like the combination of using an unscented liquid castile soap like the Dr Bronner's Castile Soap and adding tea tree essential oil to it.
Use this liquid soap to wash the bristles, rinse, and allow the brush head to dry with the bristles facing down so water doesn't collect on the timber part of the brush. Place it on a towel like you see in the photograph.
In between washes, you can make a spray solution with water and tea tree essential oil (pop a dash of alcohol / vodka or something in too so they mix) and periodically give the brush a light spray.
Wash weekly if you use the brush daily, if you only brush once a week, cleaning the brush in soapy water once a month will be adequate.
In winter, dry body brushing and using a good quality moisturiser are a great way to keep your skin smooth and hydrated and keep that dry and itchy feeling to a minimum. You can find a wide range of natural body lotion options in store to go with your brush.