doTERRA Balance | Grounding Perfume Blend
If you're a regular reader of our website, newsletters and blogs, you'll know I'm a big fan of products that can multi-task. Today we're giving you a little more information about one of the doTERRA essential oil blends that can also double as a perfume.
Balance is a grounding blend of essential oils. doTERRA describe the scent as airy, fresh, sweet & woody. The blend contains a base of spruce and ho wood with frankincense, blue tansy and blue chamomile in a base of fractionated coconut oil, making it one of the few doTERRA essential oil blends that are safe to apply directly to the skin without dilution. The blend is powerful enough that you can still dilute on the skin to make your money go further or make some up in a roller ball and carry it in your handbag.
If you're feeling a little stressed, anxious or that life is just 'up in the air', using a grounding perfume blend can assist. While most people think of perfume as a 'floral' scent, there's quite often more reasons to wearing perfume than to just smell nice. Some people feel the therapeutic effects of essential oils very quickly as they use them. For others, a specific scent will bring them back to a period in their life where they felt calm, safe, relaxed, happy etc.
If you open yourself up to it, it doesn't take long to associate a scent with a particular emotion, either in a positive manner or a negative one. As a sufferer of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities for 2 decades now, I have spent a large amount of time associating specific scents with negative experiences, and then smelling that scent brings back all the negative emotions, quite subconsciously. After trying several brands of essential oils to try and envoke positive thoughts to scents, I almost gave up until I found doTERRA. For me, I really resonate with the majority of their oils (there are still just some that will drive me batty, and it's common for people to have a love / hate relationship with specific essential oils) and in particular, Frankincense and I have a magical love affair.
Frankincense is very much a grounding essential oil and can be of assistance with those who suffer from stress and anxiety. I can tell you from first hand experience that the pure Frankincense essential oil has done this for me, and it's a major ingredient in the Balance blend.
While it's not a good idea to be around the same essential oils day in and day out, use a specific oil or blend when you feel you want or need them and then alternate to something else the following day. If you feel you need a little grounding, try dabbing a little Balance on as perfume on the heart, wrists and solar plexus. It is especially beneficial to rub on to the base of your feet before you go to bed and can also be diffused in your ultrasonic vaporiser. Best practice for diffusing is 30 minutes on and then 60 minutes off.