Egyptian Magic made with just 6 natural ingredients
Egyptian Magic is a natural beauty product that has been around since 1991. Before natural beauty became mainstream, this product gained a cult like following with celebrities and natural therapists alike. Those kinds of things don't usually make much of an impact here, but what's impressive though is the sheer volume of wealthy (and yes famous) people who use it when they could afford to spend $400 on a tub of whatever the latest miracle is. What impresses me is that the same cream is loved by dermatologists and naturopaths the world over. It has been loved since 1991 and it's still loved in 2024, over 30 years since it was formulated. AND it's still made with the same 6 ingredients it was from the start.
So, what is Egyptian Magic?
It's a tub of oil based moisturising cream that has multiple uses. It is made up of 6 x 100% pure, natural ingredients.
- Olive Oil
- Beeswax
- Honey
- Bee Pollen
- Royal Jelly
- Propolis Extract
Models use it to get an extra glow on the runway. When you first apply, it is an oily application. When you first apply it to your skin, it's a thin white cream. As you rub it in, it melts in your hands and turns in to a clear oil. After 10-15 minutes, it will sink in and not be noticeable, but you will feel a little oily for several minutes after you use it, so while it's great to rub on your hands as you go to bed, doing it at work when you're about to start typing again isn't a good idea.

What can I use Egyptian Magic for?
We have seen some pretty long lists for what this cream can do. I don't like using words 'miracle' or 'magic' in our advertising and marketing, I prefer to call this one VERSATILE. Here's just a handful.
All over body lotion
Hair Treatment
Skin Cleanser & makeup remover
Soothe cracked heels & dry elbows
Soothe baby bottoms
Soothe itchy & dry skin
Remove the sting from bites or sunburn
Soothe rashes
Soften Stretch Marks
Lip Balm
Who can use Egyptian Magic?
It's safe for everyone. Whether it's men, women, babies, pregnant women or kids, there's nothing that isn't natural and there are no added fragrances, so it's a unisex smell. Those with allergies to bee pollen or honey should proceed with caution to ensure they don't ingest it.
Is Egyptian Magic vegan?
No it's not. It's vegetarian, but not vegan. Egyptian Magic heavily features honey, beeswax, propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly. 5 of the 6 ingredients in the formula come from bees.
Can I use Egyptian Magic on acne prone skin?
This is a very oily balm. There is mixed information available about whether oil-free or oil-based products are more suitable for acne prone skin. One belief is that using oil-based products stops your skin from producing the oils that can be the cause of breakouts.
Egyptian Magic is not a medicated or listed skin care product for the treatment of acne but there are a lot of customer testimonials on the official EM socials talking about how effective it is on acne prone skin.
The comedogenic score of any product is the number that refers to whether the ingredient or product is likely to cause acne. While the product as a whole has not been officially tested, the scale of whether somethign is non-comedogenic falls between 0 and 5. Olive oil scores a 2. Beeswax between 0-2 and the rest of the ingredients are 0.
Where is Egyptian Magic made?
Egyptian Magic is made by hand in the USA. It will always remain a hands on, small batch business to maintain the quality and integrity of the product and the quality of the raw ingredients used.
Top celeb endorsements of Egpytian Magic
- Ashley Benton from Pretty Little Liars always takes a pot with her when the flies and when she gets off the plane, her skin is super moisturised.
- Professional Makeup Artist Val Garland uses it for the glossy skin look at London Fashion Week
- Eva Mendes always has Egyptian Magic in her purse
- January Jones from Mad Men loves it too
- Actress Michelle Monaghan decants some in to a little compact and takes it with her everywhere
- Lauren Conrad always applies it before going to bed
- Sports Illustrated Model Hailey Clauson uses it on her hair, her face and her body
- Kate Hudson says it's her go-to skin care and she uses it for everything
- Cara Delevingne always has it in her bag using it for all kinds of things
It has also been chosen by countless beauty editors, beauty influencers and makeup artists as a 'must have' product to keep in their kit and has been featured in magazines around the world including Oprah's Magazine, Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, In Style and Vanity Fair to name just a few.
Shopping Guide
Shop Naturally is an official Australian stockist of Egyptian Magic. Shop with confidence. This product has a money back guarantee. If you're not happy with the performance, you can return it for a refund on the full purchase price (less postage). Beware of cheap knock-offs. There are unauthorised sellers in Australia of inferior product.