Meet the reusables - Six simple swaps for a plastic free life
Reuse trumps recycle. Recycling is great, but it's always the better option if you can use something over and over again. With the temporary pausing of the Redcycle recycling service, it's more important than ever to think about keeping recyclables to a minimum and choose reusables wherever you can. We're proud to have been stocking reusables since our first year in business in 2009, and our range has certainly increased over that time. Here's our TOP SIX PICKS for reusables, many of which have truly gone mainstream.
One - Coffee Cups

When the War On Waste aired on the ABC, this one went mainstream very quickly. The reusable coffee cup became something the whole country embraced. Before this happened, the statistics in Australia were staggering. 12 months worth of single use coffee cups lined up end to end would wrap around the planet two and a half times. Just Australia.
There are plenty of coffee cup options on the market these days, and starting at really affordable prices too. The main things to look for are:-
- Is it insulated (helpful if you're making at home and travelling with it)
- Is the lid leakproof (again, helpful for travel)
- Will it fit under the machine at my local coffee shop
Our favourite pick in store is the Cheeki Insulated Coffee Cups with a leakproof lid. These are perfect for making your coffee at home and carrying with you for hours. The 350ml are also short enough to fit under most barista machines.

Runner up is anything from the TKWide series from Klean Kanteen. These multi-tasking insulated bottles can come with a cafe cap, or several other caps from straw lids to smoothie lids with straws. You simply swap lids for the different tasks. They're leakproof with a cafe cap and insulated and come in many sizes. The only downside is that they are not sized to fit under a coffee machine at a cafe. They're the perfect bottle for making your coffee at home.
TWO - Zip Lock Bags
There's no doubt, plastic zip lock bags are convenient, and they can be reused a few times, but they start to fall apart pretty quickly. Stasher make a silicone version that can be used over and over again for years. Don't need it to be leakproof? You then get to step in to a wide variety of sandwich pockets and wraps that you can use repeatedly. Got forgetful kids? Check out the name pockets on the Onya wraps and you can actually write on the Stashers with a ball point pen or whiteboard marker and it washes off.
Stasher Silicone Reusable Ziplock Bags
Onya Reusable Lunch Wraps are tough
Beeswax Wraps are leakproof when correctly pinch sealed too
THREE - Cling Film
This is one a lot of people struggle with, and it's understandable, cling film is cheap and really handy. If you want to ditch it and still have the performance, Agreena wraps are a silicone version and can be used over and over again for years. They're even oven safe and can replace your baking paper. If you don't need that "stretch and cling" to the bowl, beeswax wraps are a great alternative and we also have vegan wax wrap options in store. If you're simply covering a bowl or a plate, there's fabric options too with a food safe lining so your food doesn't soak through or stain the fabric.
Agreena Wraps replace cling film, baking paper & alfoil
Beeswax Wraps can be moulded in to shape
4 My Earth Food Covers can be used repeatedly for years
FOUR - Feminine Sanitary Products
Menstrual cups and washable pads are becoming more socially acceptable and mainstream. The average woman will use around 240 disposable sanitary products per year. That's a whole lot of waste in money and resources to make them and ship them around. They're easier to use than you might think. We understand that they're not for everyone, but you'd be genuinely surprised at how many people say NO WAY, and then give them a try and are converts for life. Some people literally can't afford the disposables and the menstrual cups are the most cost effective way to have your period.
Lunette are a tampon alternative and the most affordable option
Hannahpad Organic Cotton Washable Pads
Hannahpad hand curated packs are 15% off
FIVE - Freezer Bags
Glass is a safe and clean way to freeze food, but it is delicate and needs to be treated with some care. You're best to freeze with borosilicate glass (the oven safe range in Glasslock is made from this) but I know plenty of people who re-use glass jars for freezing. Here's our top pointers:-
- DO NOT FILL any glass container you intend putting in the freezer
- Allow the food to partially or even fully freeze before you tightly seal the lid
- When you remove it from the freezer, allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes before removing the lid
- No sudden temperature changes - no running under hot water immediately out of the freezer to defrost the food
I have successfully frozen bone broth in ordinary glass jars that were reused from other items. I simply 3/4 filled the jars, froze them with the lid off and then put the lid on the following day. When I was ready to use, I just let them defrost in the fridge. If you're buying glass specifically for freezing, we love the Glasslock borosilicate range. Shop our glass food containers or look at our hot picks below.
The original Glasslock 9 Piece Set is always on sale
Buy singles in the same size so they're stackable
Kilner are thick glass & good quality but not freezer rated
SIX - Plastic Produce Bags
We all know we should take our own reusable shopping bags to the supermarket and you can always buy them at the checkout, but what about the plastic bags you put your vegies in? Besides pinching all the mushroom brown paper bags, most supermarkets and fruit stores don't give you an option (Harris Farm do, and we L-O-V-E what they do!
The Solution? If you're only grabbing 2 carrots, just don't put them in anything. They're simple enough to pull out and weigh loose. If you're doing a bigger shop, take your own mesh produce bags to put your fruit & veg in. We have options made from recycled water bottles and also organic cotton and bamboo fabric (they can double as a nut milk bag too).
Onya mesh bags are made from recycled PET water bottles