Making your dollar stretch as far as possible is more important than ever. If the cost of some natural cleaning products are becoming out of reach, here's 3 natural cleaning sprays you can make at home with a cheap spray bottle, some liquid castile soap and a couple of natural ingredients you might already have at home.

Castile Soap All Purpose Spray

  • 3 tablespoons of Dr Planet Castile Soap
  • 500ml filtered water or boiled water that has been cooled
  • Empty 500ml spray bottle

Add the 3 tablespoons of Dr Planet Castile Soap to your spray bottle, fill it with either filtered water or boiled water that you have allowed to cool. Use this as a general all purpose spray in the kitchen and bathroom. If you want to add some essential oils to the spray, you certainly can. We recommend either lemon or orange essential oil for the kitchen and eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil for the bathroom. The citrus oils help cut through grease and the eucalyptus or tea tree essential oils for their antibacterial properties. You can also use it to clean your plants (do the plant spray without essential oils).

Castile Soap Dusting Spray

You might need this product more than you think you do, and it's not something that is made in the natural cleaning space, so you really need to make your own. It's so simple, we think everyone should have a go.

  • 1 tablespoon Dr Planet Castile Soap
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 500ml filtered water or boiled water that has been cooled
  • Empty 500ml spray bottle

Add the castile soap and olive oil and water to the spray bottle. We recommend you leave this recipe alone and not add essential oils to it. Why? It's like a cross between a polishing spray and a dusting spray. When you use it, the olive oil in the spray traps dust and other allergens which makes it a lot easier to clean away dust or any little critters that might get trapped on it. Because these surfaces may vary, you don't know what impact the essential oils will have on them long term and it's best to leave them out.

Why bother with a dusting spray?

If you use a dry cloth on a dry surface, more often than not you're just pushing dust around. A cloth that has been dampened with this dusting spray will do a far superior job at actually collecting dust than a dry cloth or a cloth that has just been dampened with water.

Castile Soap Scrubbing Spray

  • 2 tablespoons of Dr Planet Castile Soap
  • 2 tablespoons of Bicarb Soda
  • 500ml filtered water or boiled water that has been cooled
  • Empty 500ml spray bottle

Dissolve the bicarb soda in water then add the watery bicarb solution plus any excess water and the castile soap to your spray bottle. You can also add a citrus essential oil to help cut through grease if you choose to. Use this for anything the All Purpose Spray just won't do well. Greasy benchtops, bbqs, ovens - anything that needs and extra scrub will do well with the scrubbing spray.

How much does it cost to make these sprays?

Each tablespoon of Dr Planet Castile Soap is around 20c when you take it from the 500ml bottles, and even less if you're buying it in 2.5 litre or 5 litre bottles. The bicarb and olive oil can be purchased from the supermarket.

You can either buy a new spray bottle or simply repurpose one you already have to keep the cost down. Just ensure you give any repurposed bottle a good clean out first.