Try Beauty and the Bees sample packs to find your perfect shampoo bar
Beauty and the Bees were the first brand in Australia to make shampoo bars, and they did it back in 1993, way before we were in business (we started in 2009). They were truly ahead of their time. Back then, the shampoo bars behaved a little more like soap, and needed an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse to condition your hair afterwards. While Beauty and the Bees still make these bars today, their new pH balanced shampoo bar range are a superior experience and we stock the Beauty and the Bees sample pack for the new pH balanced range so new customers can try or so old customers can compare the pH range to the original range and decide what they like the best.
Why Shampoo Bars?
Over the course of a lifetime, a person washes their hair an estimated 12,000 times using approximately 250 plastic shampoo/conditioner bottles, which go to landfill or if discarded end up in the ocean. A solid bar in a box eliminates the use of 250 plastic bottles per person over a lifetime, and considering the current state of the recycling industry in Australia, this is a big tick for the environment.
About your Beauty and the Bees sample pack
Back in the day, there were 14 different shampoo options, and we did sell a sample pack that had them all in it (scroll to the bottom of the page to see the old one). Today, in the new pH shampoo bar range, we started out with 3 bars, Normal Hair, Oily hair, Dry / Frizzy Hair, and they are all in the pack. The new pH Balanced bar isn't in the sample size yet, but we are working on it. The three original shampoos in the pH range are joined by the Honeycomb Conditioner and the Apple Silk Clarifying Hair Rinse.
You should get 10 to 15 washes from each of the shampoo bar minis and around 6 washes from the clarifying rinse and also the conditioner.
Which Beauty and the Bees shampoo bar is right for me?
In the pH Balanced shampoo bar range from Beauty and the Bees, if you want to just jump right in and buy a full size, here's some information to help you choose the right one.
Normal Hair - this will suit pretty much everyone. Soap free with no transition phase from mainstream shampoos, you get around 80-90 washes from one bar depending on the length of your hair. Gliding the bar from roots to tip around 4-5 times is generally all that's needed for a good clean.
Oily Hair - this is like a face mask for your hair with natural clay to draw out impurities. While it's perfectly fine to use the Normal shampoo on oily hair, you will notice a reduction in oil by using this dedicated shampoo. As an added tip, using a boar bristle hair brush will distribute oil that may be sitting at the scalp down the hair shaft to help naturally condition your hair.
Dry or Frizzy Hair - this one also suits curly hair. Hydrating ingredients are the heroes in this bar, including Rosehip oil and Argan oil which quickly and easily absorb in to the scalp and the hair shaft.
Follow each of these with the Honeycomb conditioner bar, no matter which shampoo you chose. No silicones, just a combination of natural ingredients for frizz and tangle free hair with nourishing ingredients like calendula, honey, beeswax, cacao butter, silica and nettle.
Balanced Scalp Scrub - not in our sample pack, but worth a close look. If you suffer from dandruff, which one is for you as it gently scrubs away flakes and detoxes your scalp. If you're silver or blonde, your real colour will shine through. There's so much goodness in this bar, you'll want to just dive in and grab a bit one regardless. This shampoo bar lives in our newly created natural hair growth category for it focus on scalp and follicle health.
Are all shampoo bars made with natural ingredients?
Every shampoo bar in our store is just that, made from natural ingredients. We only sell natural shampoo, regardless of how it's packaged. When you start searching online though, there are plenty of mainstream brands adding that 'eco friendly' product to their range, but still using ingredients we would block
Are all shampoo bars sulfate free?
Like the question above, we only sell sulfate free shampoo, but there are plenty of brands on the market that chose the plastic free option, but not the sulfate free option.