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Healthy Living Guide

Shop Naturally is one of Australia’s original online health & wellbeing stores, founded in 2009. We have always been a voice with a balanced view for leading a healthy life. We understand that our customers all have different needs and are capable of doing their own research and making their own informed choices about what best suits their needs. As a privately owned family business, we are not beholden to shareholders or investment companies. All the choices about what we stock and the information we share is 100% controlled by us.

Our Healthy Living Guide is a series of articles split into 5 categories, Eco Friendly, Wellness, Natural Beauty, Natural Home and Shopping Guides. We hope you find the information helpful in living your own healthy life and choose the products that are right for you. Jump straight to your favourite topic or read our latest articles below.

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Joanne Swadling

Shop Naturally Founder & Owner since 2009

Latest Articles

  1. NEW bulk castile soap is #1 plastic free option

    NEW bulk castile soap is #1 plastic free option

    Castile soap is one of the most versatile natural cleaning products on the market. Many people like to buy bulk castile soap because it's used in household cleaning for multiple tasks and also for personal use, but it
  2. Green With Envy - organic green makeup shade guide

    Green With Envy - organic green makeup shade guide

    UPDATE: Zuii is no longer stocked in store. Green makeup is not easy for everyone to pull off, especially eye makeup. It takes the perfect balance of the right eye colour, the right makeup, the right tools and
  3. Supermarket shopping bags - your #1 choices at the checkout have changed + a new ban on heavyweight plastic bags

    Supermarket shopping bags - your #1 choices at the checkout have changed + a new ban on heavyweight plastic bags

    In June 2023, it was announced in the media that Woolworths have gone back on their promise to only sell paper bags made in Australia as their supermarket shopping bags of choice, a decision they made over 2
  4. Can you use coconut oil as leather conditioner?

    Can you use coconut oil as leather conditioner?

    Back in 2015 when we wrote the first version of this blog post, I wish I had dome some research. If I had found an article called 'can you use coconut oil as leather conditioner' and read it
  5. The best 3 natural mosquito repellent for kids

    The best 3 natural mosquito repellent for kids

    What's the best natural mosquito repellent for kids? Something that's gentle on the skin and the nose and makes your kid unappealing to the insects. Most Australian schools yards are filled with gorgeous tall trees, shrubs, grassy areas
  6. How to add essential oils in the bath the safe way using only natural ingredients

    How to add essential oils in the bath the safe way using only natural ingredients

    Are you adding essential oils in the bath safely? It's one of the most common uses for them, for the kids evening bath, popping in something that's soothing and relaxing that will help them sleep is a great
  7. Australian 1st - natural kids makeup kit with pressed powders

    Australian 1st - natural kids makeup kit with pressed powders

    This is a kids makeup kit like you haven't seen before. An Australian first, this is a natural play makeup kit with pressed powders inside instead of loose powders. Less mess = better value for money in the
  8. Patch testing skin care for sensitive skin, babies & kids

    Patch testing skin care for sensitive skin, babies & kids

    How important is patch testing products for babies and young kids? We think it's vital. January 17th 2017, when this post was originally written (it has been updated in 2023), we saw a shocking case of a baby
  9. Does tinted sunscreen stain clothes? The best 3 tips to avoid the issue.

    Does tinted sunscreen stain clothes? The best 3 tips to avoid the issue.

    If you have ever asked yourself 'does tinted sunscreen stain clothes?' and wondered whether it's a good idea to use it or not, we have some good news. Tinted sunscreen, when applied correctly, is far less likely to
  10. 7 Tips For Choosing The Best Metal Lunch Box For Your Needs

    7 Tips For Choosing The Best Metal Lunch Box For Your Needs

    7 questions to ask yourself to help you choose the best metal lunch box for your needs Is it big enough for all the food I want to put in it?Is it leakproof?Is my child going to be
  11. Should I swap to an SPF50 natural sunscreen?

    Should I swap to an SPF50 natural sunscreen?

    Summer 2019/2020 was the first summer that we had SPF50 natural sunscreen options available. Fast forward to 2023/2024 and we have even more choices. If you have settled on a favourite SPF30, is it really time to start
  12. 6 tips to get a dewy finish foundation look with natural skin care

    6 tips to get a dewy finish foundation look with natural skin care

    We received an enquiry about getting a dewy finish foundation look with organic foundation, and since we don’t have one ‘out of the box’ in our organic makeup aisle, I did some research to find out how you can
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