Discover the Top 3 oils for natural hair growth
When it comes to natural hair growth, there's no miracle overnight treatment, but you can support your scalp and your hair to nourish and stimulate healthy hair growth that's less prone to breakages.
Batana Oil for natural hair growth
The internet is full of batana oil claims about hair growth. We're not in to promoting wild claims here, but we have sifted through all the information available to let you know what it does do for you and how it supports a healthy scalp to promote the healthiest hair growth possible.
There is no evidence that batana oil or any natural oil will actually prevent hair loss. Instead, the nourishment and benefits from the oil, including the antioxidants naturally present in the oil helps to promote and restore the natural hair growth that your body is capable of with regular use.
Like coconut oil, raw batana oil is solid at room temperature and good quality batana oil is a dark amber colour. It should be protected in amber so the light doesn't affect it, which is why our Vrindavan Raw Batana Oil is packed in an amber glass jar.

Batana oil as a hair treatment will moisturise and condition your hair when worked through the full shaft from root to tip. This in turn, gives you healthier and stronger hair to prevent breakage along the hair shaft. As a scalp treatment, the nutrients in batana oil can soothe and heal dry and irritated skin. If you suffer from dandruff, a scalp treatment to treat the skin is a must. Raw batana oil is an excellent option.
Depending on how much you use, a light working through can be used as a leave in conditioner and light styling elixir. Work a larger amount through the scalp or use in a hot oil treatment, you will want to leave it in for a minimum of 2 hours or overnight and then wash out.
All the things batana oil can do for your hair also translate to your skin. It's a great salve or balm for irritated skin tormented by weather or other circumstances.
Castor Oil for natural hair growth
The benefits of using castor oil for hair are quite similar to that of the batana oil. Castor oil is great at coating and nourishing the full hair shaft when used as a hair mask, and can be used sparingly as a leave in treatment which will provide nourishment and give gloss and shine.
There are plenty of anecdotal reports online about castor oil preventing hair loss. This is not what it does. What it can do though, when massaged in to the scalp, is increase blood vessel dilation. This increases oxygen rich blood flow and nutrients to the hair follicles on your scalp, creating favourable conditions for strong and healthy hair growth.
Rosemary Essential Oil for natural hair growth
Rosemary essential oil is often used as a core ingredient in hair care products that promote healthy hair growth. It's in many shampoo and conditioners as an every day care products. If you're going to DIY this one, it is vitally important that you dilute rosemary essential oil in to a carrier oil. You can even add it to castor oil or batana oil for an added boost.
Like castor oil, rosemary oil stimulates hair follicles and improves blood circulation to the scalp.
How do I apply natural hair oils for the best results?
For deep treatments, it's always best to massage in, leave for 1 to 2 hours, or overnight if you can, and then wash out with your favourite natural shampoo. Things will feel a little different when you shampoo out an oil treatment. You may feel like you can skip your conditioner, since your hair got so much nourishment from the treatment. Depending on the frequency of your treatments, you may find your hair still feels oily. You can either double cleanse, or from time to time, use a clarifying shampoo to strip back the excess oil.
To treat damaged ends, just work a small amount of through the ends. The more you use, the more likely you are to need to shampoo it out the next day. You will find your own natural balance.
To stimulate hair growth, focus on the roots and your scalp and give yourself a really generous massage either with your fingers or a scalp brush like the one in our SHOP section.
Products featuring these oils
In store, not only do we sell these three oils on their own, but they are also the core ingredients in several products formulated by industry leaders to ensure your best chance of obtaining and maintaining a thick and healthy head of hair.
Noosa Basics Scalp Serum
Noosa Basics are known for their extensive range of natural deodorant in Australia, but they have a couple of other products in their range that are right on point, and the Noosa Basics Scalp Serum is one of them. Based in the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, this is quite a unique blend of oils that we haven't seen replicated in other brands. Two different types of castor oil are in the blend along with rosemary essential oil. They are joined by pumpkin seed oil, grapeseed oil, black seed oil and 4 other essential oils for a fresh, yet grounded aromatic experience.
This scalp serum comes in a 50ml bottle with a dropped and is massaged in to the scalp. It will leave you looking greasy, so it is a 'treat and wash out' product. A minimum of 1 to 2 hours is best, and if you can, leave overnight.
Weleda Revitalising Hair Tonic
This would be the oldest formulated product in this category in our store. Weleda have been in business for over 100 years and are still going strong. According to Weleda, one of these is sold every minute in the world. They promote it to be ideal for thinning hair and to promote a healthy scalp and healthy hair.
This is water and alcohol based and uses a combination of horseradish extract along with rosemary essential oil. Horseradish extract is known for antimicrobial properties and has the potential to stimulate blood flow and nourish your hair follicles.