Weleda Skin Food vs Magnesium Moisturiser - Two amazing skin saviours
Winter is a time for troubled skin. Whether it's dry and itchy patches followed be excessive scratching, wind chill or the dryness of being inside in artificial heating, winter can wreak havoc on the skin all over your body, not just your face. I LOVE Skin Food from Weleda, and so does the world. I recommend it to people all the time, but I have some sensitivities that prevent me from using it (it's the chamomile essential oil aroma that I unfortunately cannot tolerate). After speaking to one of the owners of Amazing Oils at the Naturally Good Expo in 2018, I turned to the Amazing Oils Moisturiser (Fix My Face) and it has been my skin saviour every winter and I wanted to share.
For most people, the 'go-to' healing moisturiser / balm for the skin is Weleda Skin Food. It has been around since 1926 and it's marvelous... We have a whole list of 5 star reviews to prove that!
"This is a delicious cream with so many uses! Perfect for healing dry winter skin all over. Love this delightful tube of goodness!"
I saw nurses rave about Weleda Skin Food in the nursing home my father was in for several months. They were using it to prevent bed sores, applying to red and sore pressure points and dry patches on his skin. They were amazed at how well it worked. I have also read endless testimonials about how great it is for those with skin conditions. Alas, me with my uber sensitive nose, I can't use Weleda Skin Food it because of the essential oils in it.
I have found an unscented alternative that is really doing wonders for me and I wanted to share. After switching to a body wash with essential oils in it to try, I noticed I started to develop a red rash under my armpits after a few days. I knew it wasn't my natural deodorant - I have used Fresca for years with no issue. I stopped using the body wash, but the red rash remained, and each day, it got more and more tender.
At the Naturally Good Expo, I was reminded by the team at the Amazing Oils stand that their magnesium moisturiser is an excellent option for just that thing. My pits were red for at least 5 days prior and it wasn't going away. One application of the Amazing Oils Magnesium Moisturiser at night, the next morning all redness was gone. The skin was still dark and marked, but not as warm or tender as it had been and not red at all.

After three days, the discolouration of my skin from the redness (it was pretty bad) has reduced by about 50%. After seven days, it was barely noticeable. I was thoroughly impressed with the results I got. Itchy skin is uncomfortable to live with at best, and down right painful for many. I wanted to share my experience with this one in case someone else who is a canary like me needs some help. The relief from the itch happened overnight for me.
What are the different versions of Weleda Skin Food that are available now?
In this blog post we talk about the original Skin Food in the dark green tube. This is available in 2 sizes. For those who find it a little greasy, there is also a Skin Food Light in a light green tube. For something to rub all over your body, Skin Food Body Lotion is easy to spread and absorb as is Skin Food Body Butter which is whipped in with shea and cocoa butter. It just melts in to the skin. For the lips there's a dedicated Skin Food Lip Balm and a day cream, night cream and cleanser are available specifically for the face.
For troubled patches on your body, we still recommend the original formula.