Healthy Living Guide - Wellness Articles
In 1994 I was struck down with a sudden and severe case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This was when it was being called the yuppie flu and the medical community knew very little of the cause or how to treat it. After getting progressively sicker for almost 4 years and developing chemical sensitivities, digestive system problems and mental health issues, I was lucky enough to find a GP who was working with the research team at Newcastle University and I was eventually diagnosed with Rickettsia, a rare bacterial infection. By this stage it had ravaged my body and I have spent the last 25 years working closely with a naturopath, doctors and other natural therapists to find the happy place where my body and mind will allow me to lead a relatively normal life as long as I am careful with my surroundings and what I do with the energy I am granted each day.
Researching products that reduce the chemical load on your body and a handful of hard to find supplements and health products is at the very core of what this store is all about, even though it’s a small part of the product range. We don’t jump on fads here, they may make a quick buck, but I like to sleep at night. I am always happy to talk to customers who have chemical sensitivities and help them choose or avoid the right products. While I have a wealth of knowledge and I am a Health Coach, I don’t hand out health advice. I am always happy to share experiences and direct you to the correct trained professional for your own healing journey.
Latest Articles
Why you should use a tongue scraper
The Ayurvedic self-care ritual of Jihwa Prakshalana is commonly known as tongue scraping. A tongue scraper or tongue cleaner is a simple piece of equipment that you can keep in your bathroom with your toothpaste and your bamboo -
Essential oils to assist with seasonal breathing issues
At this time of the year, colds, coughs and viral infections are in full force. They have certainly had their mischief with the staff at Shop Naturally, myself included. While time and rest (both free) are vital parts -
The safest way to use bpa free water bottles
This week, a new report was released about the use of chemicals in water bottles and how the removal of bpa from the plastic does not mean they are safe. First, a little history. BPA (or Bisphenol A) is -
Natural Sunscreen Nano Particle Safety FAQ
Since Australian organisation Friends Of The Earth removed their safe sunscreen guide from the web in 2012, there has been much speculation about the safety of the zinc oxide used in natural sunscreen formulas. Is it nano-free? Does -
Stimulant foods you may want to avoid
Hi. I'm a "canary down the mine shaft". If someone's going to be sensitive to something, it's me! One of the things I need to either avoid or treat as a 'sometimes' food are stimulants. If I eat -
Vaporiser dangers - your guide to choosing a safe one
In May this year, a Brisbane surgeon spoke in the media about the dangers of using vaporisers with children because the steam can cause significant burns. Below, we explain the difference between the steam vaporisers doctors are talking -
doTERRA Balance | Grounding Perfume Blend
If you're a regular reader of our website, newsletters and blogs, you'll know I'm a big fan of products that can multi-task. Today we're giving you a little more information about one of the doTERRA essential oil blends -
Cleaning essential oil spills and residue
The more I handle and use essential oils, the more I'm realising just how powerful and potent they are. Whether you're handling doTERRA or any brand of essential oils, they always need to be treated with the utmost -
Apple Cider Vinegar itchy dog spray
Full disclosure, this is NOT my recipe. This first appeared at Dogs Naturally and then the people at Planet Paws created this graphic and shared it on Facebook. It has been shared almost half a million times and -
NEW: Ice Blue essential oil blend from doTERRA
We're in full swing in March now to get the rest of the doTERRA essential oils on to our store with quality information to ensure you're choosing the correct oil and using it safely. The next oil we -
FAQ: Preparing your Waters Co Ace Pot for the first time
The Waters Co ACE Pot 1.5 litre water filter jug is one of the best quality water filters in our store. At $179.00 for a fluoride water filter that has a 2 year filter kit with it, it's -
Apple Cider Vinegar to help combat mucus
This post is the first in a series of articles we're writing while researching the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. The base reference book we're using for the series is the the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle